Daya Bay: Goals and Methods
The goal of the Daya Bay nuclear reactor antineutrino experiment is to determine sin22θ13 with a sensitivity of ≤0.01.
How to Reach a Precision of sin22θ13 = 0.01 in Daya Bay?
Increasing Statistics:
1. Use more powerful nuclear reactors.
We hope to accomplish this by measuring deficit in the
rate and spectral distortion.
2. Utilize larger target mass, hence larger detectors.
Suppress Background:
1. Go deeper underground to gain overburden for reducing cosmogenic background.
2. Use active shield around the target.
Reduce Systematic Uncertainties:
- Reactor-related:
- Detector-related:
1. Optimize baseline for the best sensitivity and smaller residual reactor-related errors.
2. Use near and far detectors to do a relative measurement.
1. Use “Identical” pairs of detectors.
2. Incorporate a comprehensive program in calibration/monitoring of detectors.